
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I love avocados. THEY ARE SO GOOD. With my love of avocados, comes a love a guacamole, so I thought I'd share a quick recipe. This recipe is single serving, but if you want to feed a crowd, just double, triple, etc. the recipe.

1 avocado
1/4-1/2 tsp. garlic powder (depending upon how much you like garlic)
salt & pepper to taste
Optional: small roma tomato, diced
Optional: 1/8 cup onions, diced

Tip: Most avocados you buy in the store aren't ready to eat yet. Generally, the darker in color an avocado is, the closer it is to being ready. Also, a ripe avocado should have some squish! What I mean is, you should be able to apply some very light pressure to the avocado and feel it squish in (think dent). If your avocados aren't ready, your guacamole will be AWFUL so make sure you get a good avocado. Here is a picture of the inside of the little beauty I used, it was perfectly ripe. Also note the outside, its almost black.

To start off, cut your avocado in half and remove it from the skin. It should easily come out of the skin if it's ripe enough. Next place your halfs on a plate and smash them up with a fork. This part will be difficult if your avocado isn't ripe enough. It should go something like this:

Once you have your avocado smashed, it should look like this:

Next, sprinkle your garlic salt on top. I also usually sprinkle some salt and pepper on, but be careful, it's really easy to oversalt your guacamole. At this point you can also add in the tomatos and onions if you choose. I think those two ingredients take this recipe to the next level but it's still good without it. I did't put any in this batch because the official taste tester likes his guacamole plain, but I personally prefer it with the additional veggies.

Once you have everything mixed together, that's it! Take your favorite bag of chips and chow down! Here is a picture of the final product:

& Happy Cooking!

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